Disclaimer: this is not final. If you find mistakes, please report them.

This post is part of a series on rank-metric codes:

We have now designed a simple encoder for Gabidulin codes (part 2) which are in a sense optimal codes in the rank metric (part 1). What remains to do is to decode them, which is as usual the hard part.

I. Errors in the rank metric

Assume we’re receiving a codeword \(Y\):

\[Y = GM + E\]

where \(G\) is the generating matrix, \(M\) the initial message and \(E\) an error (refer to Part II for the details). The error \(E\) is a matrix, and if its rank is small enough, by construction of our rank metric code, we should be able to correct it. Namely, we have unique decoding as long as

\[\operatorname{rk}E \leq t = \left\lfloor \frac{d_r - 1}{2} \right\rfloor.\]

Note: the question of list decoding in the rank metric is still very much active research, we won’t discuss it here.

What does that mean for \(E\) to have small rank? Let’s take a small example to work out, over \(\mathbb F_{q^m}^n\) with \(q = 2, m=3, n=4, t = 1\). Let’s try to understant what it means that the rank of \(E\) is \(\leq t\).

Exercise: show that there are exactly 32 rank 1 matrices there are in \(\mathbb F_{q^m}^n\).

Accounting for the zero matrix, of rank 0, there are 33 words at rank distance 1 of any codeword. Note that here this coincides with the number of elements at Hamming distance 1 of zero (\(1 + 4 \cdot 8 = 33\)), which really is a coincidence. Indeed, if you tried to solve the above exercise you realised that rank 1 matrices have a “special shape”.

This is a general phenomenon: any rank \(t\) matrix \(E\) can be written (not uniquely)

\[E = LV^\top = \sum_{i=1}^t L_i V_i\]

where \(L\), \(T\) are vectors of size \(t\). In a sense, \(L\) gives error locations and \(V\) gives the error values.

Note: we only consider errors in this post, but rank metric codes are also good at handling erasures: if \(r\) is the number of row erasures and \(c\) the number of column erasures, then an MRD code can correct if \(2t + c + r \leq d_r + 1\).

II. Syndrome decoding

One way to approach the decoding of any linear code is syndrome decoding. Let \(H\) be the code’s parity matrix, obtained from the generating matrix \(G\) as the unique matrix solution to

\[G H^\top = 0.\]

Since our code is MRD, the dimensions of \(H\) are \(d-1\) rows and \(n\) columns.

Exercise: show that the entries of \(H\) are of the form \(h_{j}^{[i]}\) for a certain set of values \(h = (h_1, \dotsc, h_n)\) with each \(h_i \in \mathbb F_{q^m}\). The sets \(g\) and \(h\) are called dual bases.

As an example, consider the the Gabidulin code over \(\mathbb F_{q^m}\) with \(q = 2, n=m=5, k = 5\) with generating set \(g = (\alpha, \alpha^{30}, \alpha^{18}, \alpha^7, \alpha^{20})\) where \(\alpha\) is a primitive element of \(\mathbb F_{2^5}\). The generating matrix and parity matrix are

\[G = \begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \alpha^{30}& \alpha^{18}& \alpha^7& \alpha^{20}\end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{and} \qquad H = \begin{pmatrix} \alpha^{2} & \alpha^{29} & \alpha^{5} & \alpha^{14} & \alpha^{9} \\ \alpha^{4} & \alpha^{27} & \alpha^{10} & \alpha^{28} & \alpha^{18} \\ \alpha^{8} & \alpha^{23} & \alpha^{20} & \alpha^{25} & \alpha^{5} \\ \alpha^{16} & \alpha^{15} & \alpha^{9} & \alpha^{19} & \alpha^{10} \end{pmatrix}\]

Of course, the parity matrix of \(C\) is nothing else but the generator matrix of its Delsarte dual \(C^\top\) (see Part I). A valid codeword

\[\widehat{\operatorname{ev}}_gf = (\widehat f(g_1), \dotsc, \widehat f(g_n))\]

is an element of the vector space spanned by the columns of \(G\) and therefore is orthogonal to \(H\). We therefore defined the syndrome of a vector \(X\) as the vector \(s(X) = X H^\top\). Since by construction, all codewords have syndrome zero, only errors appear:

\[s(Y) = Y H^\top = EH^\top = LVH^\top = LU\]

where \(U = VH^\top\) has a particular form

\[\begin{pmatrix} u_1 & u_1^{[1]} & \cdots & u_1^{[d_r - 2]} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ u_t & u_t^{[1]} & \cdots & u_t^{[d_r - 2]} \end{pmatrix}\]

The equation \(s(Y) = LU\) then reads, coordinate-wise,

\[s_\ell = \sum_{i = 1}^t L_i u_i^{[\ell]}, \quad \text{for $\ell = 0, 1, \dotsc, d_r-2$}.\]

We have unknown \(u_1, \dotsc, u_{t}\) and \(L_1, \dotsc, L_t\). There are \(2t\) unknowns, we have \(d_r-2\) independent linear equations between them, the code is MRD: there is a unique solution. Decoding a Gabidulin code can be done efficiently since it is reduced to solving a linear system – this was far from obvious.

Let’s work an example. Consider the Gabidulin code with parameters \(q=2, n=m=3, k=1\), with generating set \(g = (1, \alpha^3, \alpha^4)\), \(\alpha\) being a primitive element of \(\mathbb F_{q^m}\). Say we received a vector \(Y = (\alpha^6, 1, \alpha^3)\) and assume the error has rank 1.

  • The parity matrix for this code is \(H = \left(\begin{smallmatrix}1 & \alpha & \alpha^2 \\ 1 & \alpha^2 & \alpha^4 \end{smallmatrix}\right)\);
  • The error being of rank 1, we can write \(E = eV\) with \(e \in \mathbb F_8\) and \(V = (v_1, v_2, v_3) \in \mathbb F_2^3\);
  • The syndrome is \(y H^\top = (\alpha^3, \alpha^6) = e (u_1, u_1^2)\)
  • Solving for \(u_1 = s_1/s_0 = \alpha^3\) and for \(e = s_0/u_1 = 1\) we find the error to be \(E = (1, 0, 1)\) and therefore the error-free codeword is \(Y-E = (\alpha^4, 1, \alpha)\)

Exercise: assume we received \(Y = (\alpha^5, 0, \alpha^6)\), show that the error-free codeword is \((\alpha^5, \alpha, \alpha^2)\). What about \(Y = (\alpha^3, 1, 0)\)?

Ok so syndrome decoding works__ but maybe we can afford to go the extra mile and design a _somewhat efficient decoder. Also, we would like to avoid having to figure out the parity matrix.

III. Back to linearised polynomials

Recall (from Part II) that linearised polynomials form an Ore ring, where addition is standard polynomial addition and “multiplication” is composition, namely

\[(\widehat P \cdot \widehat Q)(X) = \widehat P(\widehat Q(X))= \sum_{i}\left( \sum_{j=0}^i P_j Q_{i-j}^{[j]}\right)X^{[i]}.\]

This operation is not commutative, and its multiplicative identity is \(\widehat 1 = X^{[0]} = X\). Furthermore, for any two polynomials \(P, Q\), we have the identity \(\widehat P \cdot \widehat Q = \widehat{PQ}\) (the product on the lhs is composition, the product on the rhs is standard multiplication).

From there is it easy to see that the ring of linearised polynomials on \(\mathbb F_{q^m}\) is a left- and right-Euclidean domain: for any \(\widehat A, \widehat B\), there exist unique \(\widehat Q_R, \widehat Q_L, \widehat R_R, \widehat R_L\) such that

\[\begin{align*}\widehat A & = \widehat Q_R \cdot \widehat B + \widehat R_R & \deg R_R < \deg B\\ \widehat A & = \widehat B \cdot \widehat Q_L + \widehat R_L & \deg R_L < \deg B\end{align*}\]

These are called right and left division (resp. quotient, remainder). Both left and right divisions can be computed efficiently. Since we shall need it, let’s see how to do this with SageMath on a simple example

Fqm.<t> = GF(5^3)                          # t is the primitive element
Frob    = Fqm.frobenius_endomorphism()
LP.<X>  = Fqm['X', Frob]                   # Ring of linearised polynomials

P = X^5 + X + 1
Q = X^3 + t*X + 1

P.left_quo_rem(Q)       # Left division
P.right_quo_rem(Q)      # Right division

You see in running the above code that we get different results for left and right division. “Traditional” polynomial division gives yet another result:

R.<x> = Fqm['x']    # Ring of polynomials

P = x^5 + x + 1
Q = x^3 + t*x + 1

P.quo_rem(Q)        # Standard polynomial division

SageMath also provides the (left and right) extended Euclidean algorithm (LEEA) for linearised polynomials.

Unfortunately for us, at the time of writing, all this is still an experimental feature and it seems buggy (although the corresponding ticket was closed long ago). That means we’ll have to implement linearised polynomials ourselves, which is not that hard, and we’ll deal with division when the right time comes.

IV. Decoding by polynomial reconstruction

In this section we’ll make use of our knowledge in linearised polynomials to design a decoder that is more efficient than the syndrome decoder.

Consider the following problem: given \(q, n, m, k, t\), \(g = (g_1, \dotsc, g_n)\), \(Y = (Y_1, \dotsc, Y_n)\), find non-zero polynomials \(V, W\) such that

  • \(\deg V \leq t\);
  • \(\deg W \leq k + t - 1\);
  • for all \(i = 1, \dotsc, n\), \(\widehat V(Y_i) = \widehat W(g_i)\).

This is a linear system whose unknowns are the coefficients of \(V, W\). Indeed, we have \(n\) equations of the form

\[\sum_{j = 0}^{t} V_j Y_i^{[j]} = \sum_{j = 0}^{k+t-1} W_j g_i^{[j]} ,\]

or in matrix form:

\[\begin{pmatrix} g_1 & \cdots & g_1^{[k+t-1]} & -Y_1 & \cdots & -Y_1^{[t]} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ g_n & \cdots & g_n^{[k+t-1]} & -Y_n & \cdots & -Y_n^{[t]} \end{pmatrix} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} W_0\\\vdots\\W_{k+t-1}\\V_0\\\vdots\\V_t \end{pmatrix} = 0\]

Let’s try an example: \(q = 2, n = m = 3, k = 1\), we take a normal basis for \(g\) from a primitive element \(\alpha\) and consider \(Y = (\alpha^2 + \alpha + 1, \alpha^ 2,\alpha+1)\). The system to solve is

\[\begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \alpha^2 & \alpha^2 + \alpha + 1 & \alpha + 1\\ \alpha^2 & \alpha^2 + \alpha & \alpha^2 & \alpha^2 + \alpha\\ \alpha^2 + \alpha & \alpha & \alpha + 1 & \alpha^2 + 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} W_0\\W_1\\V_0\\V_1 \end{pmatrix} =0.\]

We get a solution \(W_0 = 1, W_1 = 0, V_0 = 0, V_1 = \alpha^2 + \alpha + 1\). Let’s check that it works as intended:

\[\begin{align*} \widehat W(g_1) & = g_1 = \alpha \\ \widehat W(g_2) & = g_2 = \alpha^2 \\ \widehat V(Y_1) & = (\alpha^2 + \alpha + 1) Y_1^{[1]} = (\alpha^2 + \alpha + 1) Y_1^2 = (\alpha^2 + \alpha + 1)(\alpha + 1) = \alpha\\ \widehat V(Y_2) & = (\alpha^2 + \alpha + 1) Y_2^2 = \alpha^2 \end{align*}\]

Exercise: check that we also have \(\widehat V(Y_3) = \widehat W(g_3)\).

Note: this is one of the places where we run into bugs with SageMath: evaluation of linearised polynomials sometimes gives incorrect results…

All is good! Let make this into a SageMath snippet, since we’ll make use of it:

def multi_exp(a, r):
    # Returns a, a^[1], ..., a^[r]
    return [a^(q^i) for i in range(r+1)]

def find_VW(g, Y, k, t):
    # Finds the polynomials V and W s.t. V̂(Y_i) = Ŵ(g_i) 
    # with degree resp. <= t and <= k + t - 1 
    S = Matrix([
        multi_exp(g_i, k+t-1) +                    # gi, gi^[1]...
        list(map(lambda x:-x, multi_exp(y_i, t)))  # -Yi, -Yi^[1]...
        for (g_i, y_i) in zip(g, Y)
    z = S.transpose().kernel().basis()[0]

    # Returns W, V as the list of their coefficients
    return  z[:k+t], z[k+t:]

Why was this problem relevant? If \(Y\) was an error-free codeword, i.e., \(Y_i = \widehat f(g_i)\) then \(\widehat V(Y_i) = (\widehat V \cdot \widehat f)(g_i)\). In other terms, given a solution \(V, W\) of the above problem, the Euclidean (left) division \(W/V\) gives us the error-free codeword.

Our decoding algorithm is therefore conceptually simple:

  1. Run find_VW on received input \(Y\) to get \(V, W\);
  2. Compute the left division \(\widehat f = \widehat W/\widehat V\) which is our error-free codeword.

Note: if there is no error, then the division is exact (i.e., the remainder is zero) and in fact we have \(f = W/V\) with the classical Euclidean division algorithm.

The main cost of our algorithm is find_VW, which naively solves a linear system. The total complexity is about \(O(n^3)\) which is acceptable for a prototype, but hardly competitive.

The complete decoder, comments and whiteline included, fits in 40 lines of SageMath:

# Code parameters
q = 7^2
n = 3
m = 3
k = 1

# Gabidulin codes are MRD code
d = n - k + 1
t = (d - 1)/2

# Algebraic structures
Fqm.<u> = GF(q^m)
R.<x> = Fqm['x']                        # Standard polynomials
pi    = Fqm.frobenius_endomorphism()    
L.<X> = Fqm['X', pi]                    # Linearised polynomials

def multi_exp(a, r):
    # Returns a, a^[1], ..., a^[r]
    return [a^(q^i) for i in range(r+1)]

def find_VW(g, Y, k, t):
    # Finds the polynomials V and W s.t. V̂(Y_i) = Ŵ(g_i) 
    # with degree resp. <= t and <= k + t - 1 
    S = Matrix([
        multi_exp(g_i, k+t-1) +                    # gi, gi^[1]...
        list(map(lambda x:-x, multi_exp(y_i, t)))  # -Yi, -Yi^[1]...
        for (g_i, y_i) in zip(g, Y)
    z = S.transpose().kernel().basis()[0]

    # Returns W, V as the list of their coefficients
    return  z[:k+t], z[k+t:]

def decode(g, Y, k, t):
    W, V = find_VW(g, Y, k, y)
    W_linpol = sum(W_i * X^i for i, W_i in enumerate(W))
    V_linpol = sum(V_i * X^i for i, V_i in enumerate(W))
    f, _err   = W_linpol.left_quo_rem(V_linpol)

    # Convert back f into a standard polynomial
    return sum(f_i * x^i for i, f_i in enumerate(f.list()))

Note: there exist much faster algorithms for decoding which, together with clever choices of parameters, achieve a impressive subquadratic decoding complexity (and similarly for encoding!). Here is one such algorithm by Puchinger and Wachter-Zeh (2016) that runs in \(O(n^{1.69} \log^2 n)\).

Note: at the time of writing, rank metric codes themselves have very patchy support in Sage (although it should be possible to invoke Pari to do the heavy lifting and there was a GSoC on the matter in 2016). If you are looking for a useful contribution to the open source / mathematical community, please consider improving this!

Next expisode: an application

We have our Gabidulin encoder and decoder, what are we supposed to do with them? Besides the theoretical interest (didn’t you enjoy the detour around Ore rings?) we’ll discuss next time one of the main motivations for rank metric codes: random network coding, a technique for data transmission that can outperform routing in some situations.

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